Monday, April 24, 2017

Finally Green!

Dear Mildred,

     The world outside my window has transformed!  It is finally green!  Not that pale yellowy-green of a very young spring, but a true green...still young, but maturing. The leaves have not yet filled in the trees but the grasses of the fields and lawns are that shade of green only spring can offer.

     I adore it.  My birds eat at it.  My rabbits scratch at their hutch doors for me to pick some for them, and I gladly do.  My neighbors tinker on their lawn mowers in anticipation.  

     It is long-awaited and I feel refreshed and renewed.  It refracts through my windows and reflects on my walls.  It is in the air and all eyes turn upwards to the nurseries in the branches, waiting for the buds to pop and those leaves to stretch and mature.  Just as with the grasses, the leaves will surprise us.  Seemingly overnight they will unfurl and one morning we look out our windows or take out the trash or drive to work and realize the trees are dressed and debuted.  

     Spring is here.



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